Today’s Headline

Integration is Over: So What’s Next for Black Communities?
The Curiously Brief Life of Integrated America At its core, integration was a social policy designed to end the brutal … Continue Reading]
Discussing Race & the Law

Why Racial Profiling is Here to Stay
When we see an example of police brutality in action, racially disparate policing becomes part of the conversation. Though we know racism plays a huge role, rarely do we … »»

When #SlaveryMatters More than #BlackLivesMatter: Alton Sterling & Philando Castile
Ignorance Can Kill You Trying to understand race relations (or the conditions ailing the Black community since anyone alive can remember) without understanding slavery … »»

Cops & District Attorneys: When Black Lives Don’t Matter
Special prosecutors are independent attorneys who are appointed to investigate, and if necessary prosecute, government officials for misconduct. They are typically used … »»

On Bad Allies, The Black Vote & Anal Behavior
Last week I went on a mini Twitter rant about White allies acting badly. I inadvertently used a hash tag that was both informative and highly suggestive (at … »»

Sandra Bland: Murdered For Acting Like A Black Girl
Sandra Bland was murdered because she sounded and acted like a Black girl. Her death was a fatal example of the ways Black girls are regularly … »»

Dear Black Voters: Um. I Think We’re Doing This Wrong
Within the pool of eligible Black voters there are some who proactively protest and/or boycott the vote. These are not the folks who forget to vote, nor are … »»

Racial Profile Policing
(or “The It Is Only Barely Illegal To Illegally Arrest/Beat/Kill Black People” Policing) I wrote a portion of this piece in February 2010 on what was one of my earlier … »»
About the Author
Attorney | Writer | Speaker Lurie Daniel Favors Lurie Daniel Favors is an activist and attorney with a long-standing commitment to racial and social justice. She currently serves as the general counsel for a racial justice law center in New York City. Before … [Read More...]