Welcome to the first edition of the Professional Naturals Project! The goal of this project is to
1. Promote the beautiful diversity of professional natural hairstyles,
2. Create an image gallery so that other naturals can get ideas of how they can wear their hair in the work place,
3. Provide encouragement for women who desire to be their naturally beautiful selves, and
4. Show the world just how professional natural hair can be!
The Professional Naturals Project will be a compilation of images and interviews that feature Black women wearing natural hair in the work place. If you would like to be featured, just take a picture of yourself in normal work gear (looking all fly and professional!) and answer the questions listed below. Images/interviews will be selected periodically and will be featured on the Professional Naturals page!
Submit your images and answers to: info@AfroStateOfMind.com with the words “Professional Naturals Project” in the subject heading. I’m really excited about this because it is way past time that we be able to come out of the natural hair closet! We are here, we are brilliant and our hair is fly! If you agree, please send me your pics and your answers to the following questions:
- What is your name?
- What industry do you work in?
- How long have you worn natural hair in the work place?
- What is your best “Natural Hair in the Workplace” story?
- What was your most challenging “Natural Hair in the Workplace” moment and how did you handle it?
- What advice would you give other Black women who wear natural hair at work?
Many thanks to Cyrene Gerard, our first feature in the Professional Naturals Project!
Professional Naturals Project: Cyrene Gerard
1. What is your name?
2. What industry do you work in?
3. How long have you worn natural hair in the work place?
4. What is your best “Natural Hair in the Workplace” story?
5. What was your most challenging “Natural Hair in the Workplace” moment and how did you handle it?
6. What advice would you give other Black women who wear natural hair at work?
Thanks for Joining the Professional Naturals Project Cyrene!
- What is your name?
- What industry do you work in?
- How long have you worn natural hair in the work place?
- What is your best “Natural Hair in the Workplace” story?
- What was your most challenging “Natural Hair in the Workplace” moment and how did you handle it?
- What advice would you give other Black women who wear natural hair at work?

This is awesome. Thank you!