Black Kids & Black Dolls I’ve written a lot about the ways that racist messaging impacts Black children and how the messages of Black inferiority surround them. These harmful messages are everywhere—from the lessons they learn (and don’t) in school, to the toys they play with, TV shows they watch and designs they wear on their clothes. As I’ve said before: As parents, the … [Read more...]
Healthy Roots Dolls: Dolls Made for Your Black Child
On Bad Allies, The Black Vote & Anal Behavior

Last week I went on a mini Twitter rant about White allies acting badly. I inadvertently used a hash tag that was both informative and highly suggestive (at the same dang time): #NotAnAlly I was irritated by the countless social media conversations where non-Black “allies” threaten to withdraw support of movements like #BlackLivesMatter because of hurt … [Read more...]
#DearBlackPeople: It’s OK To Have Private Black Meetings

Many White allies find it problematic when they are excluded from private Black meetings. In fact, when Black people want to have a private “Black people only” meeting, you can expect to hear accusations of reverse racism. I saw this most recently in the days leading up to the #Movement4BlackLives Convening in Ohio (#M4BL). The convening was only open to Black people and … [Read more...]
Afros & Activism | Natural Hair & Black Power

The Black natural hair community has amassed a level of power that is being used to directly impact current issues in the Black community. We’ve had a number of victories and I get the feeling that we’re only getting started. Black naturals (and yes, I say “Black” naturals because those of you who remember Sarah will know that the term “natural” doesn’t always mean … [Read more...]
Sandra Bland: Murdered For Acting Like A Black Girl

Sandra Bland was murdered because she sounded and acted like a Black girl. Her death was a fatal example of the ways Black girls are regularly treated by society when we don’t use our Make-White-People-Feel-Comfortable skill sets. This is especially true when we talk and act “Black” and don’t maintain consistent use the White Girl Voice in … [Read more...]