Dear Mr. Creekmur (& Similarly Distressed HipHop Daddies), I want to start by saying thank you for taking the time to put your thoughts about the Nicki Minaj poster down on paper. I know this may have been a difficult subject to discuss out in the open so I appreciate the risk you took by “going there.” As a parent it is clear that your words were at least partially … [Read more...]
Nicki’s Booty, AllHipHop Letters, and Distressed Hip Hop Daddies Everywhere
Ew. Your Baby’s Hair Is Turning.

You may have heard comments like these before: Dang. Your baby used to have such pretty hair. What happened? Oh her hair is so cute! Except for this nappy section right here… That baby is so pretty! You almost don’t even notice her hair… These are the type of comments that can make any new parent want to scream. These are also the type of comments that people seem to … [Read more...]
Black Parents: Raising Black Kids

To all the parents raising Black kids - this one is for you. The “Raising Confident Kinky/Coily/Curly Haired Black Kids” event at the end of last year was a huge success—and we have YOU to thank for that. The community really came out to support and learn why we need to protect our children’s self esteem. One thing I realized then and in the weeks that followed was … [Read more...]
White Dads, Black Dads: Same Role, Different Stories

A few years ago when this picture hit the internet, everyone who logged on collectively ooh’d, ahhh’d and swooned. Most of us didn’t feel all soft and fuzzy simply because of an image of a daddy combing a daughter’s hair. For many, the hormonal surge of happy-place emotions was amplified because it was a White dad combing his Black daughter’s natural hair. This … [Read more...]
Black Girls Rock! #Unapologetically.
This weekend was full of win. FULL. OF. WIN! First we have a fantastic turn out at the “Raising Confident Kinky/Coily/Curly Haired Kids” event. One thing is true—our community is full of parents and educators who are very much concerned about the welfare of Black children. It was an honor to share the stage with Ama Karikari-Yawson as she read her new children’s book Sunne’s … [Read more...]