A Good Idea Gone Bad Sometimes, despite our intentions, our hair plans simply…fail. We get a great idea and maybe we jump in head first without really thinking about how to make that idea actually work. That can happen when you make the initial decision to go natural too. A lot of women think that they can just grow their hair out and voila—a beautiful head of natural … [Read more...]
When Going Natural Goes Wrong
Hair Tips: My Twist Out Routine

Ready for this week's "Hair Tip"? I love twist outs. No really. I love twist outs. After two strand twists, a twist out is typically my go to hairstyle. I’ve gotten a lot of questions lately about how I maintain the style so figured it would be easier just to respond in a blog post. As you will see, I have a fairly simple pattern. Step one: Prep hair for washing. Before … [Read more...]
My Hair vs. My Lover

It’s a sad secret in the natural hair community. Sometimes you want to go natural but you’re not sure how the love of your life will take it. If you are like many women considering how to transition from chemically straightened hair to a natural hair style—your love interest’s potential reaction can be a big factor. We have to be honest about the fact that “going natural” … [Read more...]
Natural Hair & Pregnancy: The Basics

After the positive pregnancy test, the well-wishes, the morning sickness, the joy you can’t quite contain and the raging hormones, you still have to do your hair. I have about 8 weeks left to my second pregnancy. Based on my experiences a few years ago with my son, there are a lot of things I’m glad I knew about pregnancy related hair care this time around. The Inside … [Read more...]
Going-Natural Hair Show

So over the past few weeks I’ve been feeling the natural summertime love all over Brooklyn. In addition to a fabulous book-signing event, an awesome baby shower thrown by the world’s best little sister and mom team, there seems to have been an increase in natural hair events this summer. International African Arts Festival Hair Show I was super excited that I got to … [Read more...]