******** UPDATE BELOW WITH INFO ON A CHANGE.ORG PETITION ******** When I saw the video (see link below) of little Tiana Parker crying because her school disapproved of her locks, it broke my heart. Tiana is the straight A student who attended Deborah Brown Community School. At least she did attend the school until her father Terrance Parker was forced to enroll her … [Read more...]
Tiana Parker: Black Girls & Black Hair Under Siege
Natural Hair Politics All Over the News!

Aaaand We’re Back! Hey folks! So I take a few measly days off to do this thing called “birth my daughter” and it seems like the politics surrounding natural hair just BLOW UP! Yes, you heard that correctly. #BabyGirlFavors made her arrival! She is a six pound seven ounce chocolate drop of awesome and #HubbyFavors, #LilDudeFavors and I have been spending some time getting … [Read more...]
Does Jesus Like Your Weave?

By now I’m sure you’ve heard about the pastor who declared that weaves were no longer welcome in his church. Now he didn’t out right ban the hairstyle but he clearly indicated his displeasure with the prevalence of the style in his church pews. According to AmericanPreachers.com, Pastor A.J. Aamir at Resurrecting Faith church in Waco, Texas believes that: Women wearing … [Read more...]
“Hair Me Out”: Barber Shops, Hair Salons & Community Safety

I came across an interesting article the other day about a program called “Hair Me Out” which is looking at the role of Barber Shops and Hair Salons in the battle against intra-community violence (aka “horizontal violence”). The project is designed to get beauticians and barbers to play an active role in the discussion around what causes community violence and to help put an … [Read more...]
Should I Interview With Natural Hair?

The question of whether or not one should interview while wearing natural hair is a serious one. After all, if your future boss is a nappy-hair hater with posters on the wall extolling the virtues of straightening one’s kinky roots then walking in with an Angela Davis Afro for your call back could be detrimental—to say the least. However, the issue is never as black and … [Read more...]