Focus on the Important Things
Remember that episode of A Different World when Whitley Gilbert (played by Jasmine Guy), couldn’t get over the fact that her rich, ex-boyfriend Julian had moved on? In this scene (which you can see in the clip below) Whitley (who always had a capacity for les dramatics) tries to get over him and sees a shrink who whips her into shape with a dose of truth serum. Part of Whitley’s “cure” is to get closure with her past so she can move on to a life with Dwayne (who loves her dearly – but who was a poor as a church mouse) and find happiness in the things that really matter. Like honesty, true love and purpose.
Part of Whitley’s healing comes from repeating the phrase “relax, relate, release.”
Brooklyn Day Retreat for Women
“Empower women in an fun, relaxing atmosphere and connect them to resources that will better their physical, emotional and spiritual health. It’s rare for women to have opportunities like this to come together to talk, learn and share about the things that are most important to our success.”
1. Wise Awake: Intro to Insight Meditation
presented by Sebene Selassie,
Executive Director of New York Insight
Meditation Center & founder of Wise Awake, Inc.
2. Money Makeover: The Sexy Money Way to Passive Income
presented by Denise Cooper,
CEO of Sexy Money
3. Burlesque your Chakras: Cultivating Creative Power
presented by Chicava HoneyChild
Burlesque Dancer Extraordinaire
4. Sensual Wellness through Bellydance
presented by Oshun, Bellydancer and founder of Joyful Dance
5. Goddess Sense: Flower Essences for Mind, Body & Spirit
presented by Oceans & Rivers Founder Lindsay Fauntleroy
6. Lift Your Voice: Expression & Creativity through the Sacred Cypher
presented by hip hop phenomenon Toni Blackman
7. Dress to Impress: Making Your Personal Style Statement
presented by Lauren Simmons
And more. Much, much more.

invited guest Francheska of the AWESOME site shared her inspirational story and journey to wellness
Like awesome vendors with some of the best bags, clothes, jewelry, hair & body products Brooklyn has to offer. Oceans & Rivers has put together a certifiable Dream Team and you can check out some of the other folks who will be there. So yes. As you can see we are going to have a blast this year. All you have to do now is buy your ticket. There may be a small amount of tickets at the door – no guarantees though. Per the RRR Facebook page, most tickets have already been sold. WooHoo!
Unlike many conferences, your ticket allows you access to ALL of the workshops and ALL of the vendors. No picking and choosing what you can or can’t attend. That’s the point of a Day Retreat for Women: creating a space where Sistas can come together to build with each other in love, peace and relaxation. It’s a day, one out of 365, that we can leave our stress, worries and concerns at the door. It’s a time when women like me can enjoy the sista-hood that is so vital to our health, our spirits and our well being. It’s a time when we, just like Whitley, are reminded of and empowered to take some time to Relax, Relate, Release.
Oh, wait. You have kids and don’t have a place to take them for the day?
Looking for more thoughts from an Afro State of Mind? Check out my book Afro State of Mind: Memories of a Nappy Headed Black Girl now available on in paper back or e-book! And if you want to stay connected follow me on Twitter, “like” Afro State of Mind on Facebook or catch up on my latest youtube videos!

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