Aaaand We’re Back! Hey folks! So I take a few measly days off to do this thing called “birth my daughter” and it seems like the politics surrounding natural hair just BLOW UP! Yes, you heard that correctly. #BabyGirlFavors made her arrival! She is a six pound seven ounce chocolate drop of awesome and #HubbyFavors, #LilDudeFavors and I have been spending some time getting … [Read more...]
Natural Hair Politics All Over the News!
Does Jesus Like Your Weave?

By now I’m sure you’ve heard about the pastor who declared that weaves were no longer welcome in his church. Now he didn’t out right ban the hairstyle but he clearly indicated his displeasure with the prevalence of the style in his church pews. According to, Pastor A.J. Aamir at Resurrecting Faith church in Waco, Texas believes that: Women wearing … [Read more...]
Hair Porn: Naturals Beware

If you began your natural hair journey in the age of Youtube and social media, chances are you've been exposed to Hair Porn. And sisters believe me when I say that Hair Porn can be a big problem in the natural hair community. What is Hair Porn, you ask? Hair Porn, is the compilation of images, videos, etc. that results in the arousal of hair lust, jealousy or simply yearning … [Read more...]
My Hair vs. My Lover

It’s a sad secret in the natural hair community. Sometimes you want to go natural but you’re not sure how the love of your life will take it. If you are like many women considering how to transition from chemically straightened hair to a natural hair style—your love interest’s potential reaction can be a big factor. We have to be honest about the fact that “going natural” … [Read more...]
Ready to Relax, Relate, Release?

If you attended last year’s Relax, Relate, Release Women’s Empowerment Conference then you know you are in for a treat. This annual Brooklyn event is a dynamic gathering of women coming together to learn, support and grow from each other—all while having a blast at the same time. Event founder Lindsay Fauntleroy, an all around awesome sista with a powerful story (check out … [Read more...]