Welcome to this week's edition of the Professional Naturals Project! The goal of this project is to: 1. Promote the beautiful diversity of professional natural hairstyles, 2. Create an image gallery so that other naturals can get ideas of how they can wear their hair in the work place, 3. Provide encouragement for women who desire to be their naturally beautiful … [Read more...]
Professional Naturals Project: Leona Torres
Professional Naturals Project: Cyrene Gerard

Welcome to the first edition of the Professional Naturals Project! The goal of this project is to 1. Promote the beautiful diversity of professional natural hairstyles, 2. Create an image gallery so that other naturals can get ideas of how they can wear their hair in the work place, 3. Provide encouragement for women who desire to be their naturally beautiful selves, … [Read more...]
Should I Interview With Natural Hair?

The question of whether or not one should interview while wearing natural hair is a serious one. After all, if your future boss is a nappy-hair hater with posters on the wall extolling the virtues of straightening one’s kinky roots then walking in with an Angela Davis Afro for your call back could be detrimental—to say the least. However, the issue is never as black and … [Read more...]