Why an Afro State of Mind

Hey folks!

So I’ve been getting a lot of questions about why I started this project and what motivated me to take on this topic. If you’re familiar with the natural hair movement, then you know that many natural blogs tend to focus a lot on styling and hair care tips (and I thank God that they do because I learn a lot from them!).

But this blog/project tends to focus more exploring on the thoughts, politics and the history or rationales that underline the way many Black people feel about our hair type and skin color (Though there will definitely be some hair care tips in here too!).

Well, it all happened pretty organically and sprang out of some random events that I couldn’t have planned if I wanted to. I thought about writing it all down and sharing my reasons in a blog post. But I recently gave a talk at Sabines Hallway Natural Hair Salon in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn (and had a great time!) that sort of explained a lot of what motivated me to take this particular angle. This segment of the talk describes the motivations for this project. I’ll share more of the talk in later posts. Enjoy!


#DearSheriffLott: Sex With Black People Can’t Cure Racism

Dear Sheriff Leon Lott, It's amazing that I'm using the phrase “sex with Black people” in the title of an open letter. But that’s what happens when someone with your level of … [Continue Reading]

White Supremacy: What it is and How it Operates

“If you don’t understand white supremacy, what it is and how it operates, everything you think you understand will only confuse you.” Neely Fuller, Jr. I’ve heard the words “White … [Continue Reading]

4 Lessons Shea Moisture’s Fail Can Teach Black Businesses Owners

Shea Moisture is a Black owned hair care company in the middle of a racial identity branding crisis. It’s a racial identity branding crisis of such epic proportions that Rachel … [Continue Reading]

Karen’s Body Beautiful: 10 Years and Beyond

As a resident member of the 7M Hair Type Category let me assure you that not all natural hair products are created equal. Neither are the companies that create the … [Continue Reading]

About Lurie Daniel Favors, Esq.


  1. I really love this site.

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